Online 1-Hour Healthy Tomorrow Training for Professionals
$250 for 1 year
The Healthy Tomorrow 2-hour training will provide education on prenatal/postnatal health. Trainees will be able to use our Healthy Tomorrow app in practice with patients. Our free app contains 106 videos on topics like OUD/NAS, Breastfeeding, Safe Sleep, Tobacco Use, and more.
Online 20-Minute Healthy Tomorrow Training for Professionals
$59.99 for 1 year
The Healthy Tomorrow 20-minute training will provide education on the maternal mental health category of the Healthy Tomorrow app.
Online 1-Hour Mini Mood Training
$250 for 1 year
The Mini Mood Monsters 2-hour training will provide early childhood educators with an overview of mental health concerns facing Preschool aged children, social determinants of health, the importance of mental health, and the connection between mental health and school success. Trainees will learn how to use the Mini Mood Monsters Curriculum with children ages 3-5, and how to share caregiver resources throughout the school year.
Each training participant can begin providing the 9-Lesson Mini Mood Curriculum after this training.
Online 1-Hour Fresh Air for Baby & Me Training
$250 for 1 year
The Fresh Air for Baby & Me 1-hour training will provide facilitators of prenatal/ postnatal women with an overview of how smoking affects pregnancy, growing baby, other children in the home, and your overall health. Trainees will learn how to use the Fresh Air for Baby & Me Facilitators Guide and Participant Journal in practice.
Each training participant can begin providing the 10-Lesson Smoking Cessation program after this training.